The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe

Legend has it that the appearance of stinky mandarin fish was due to someone transporting it back in . Afraid that the fish would spoil, they continuously marinated it with brine. However, due to the extreme , the fish still went bad. But because of the saltwater, the spoilage wasn't too severe, and the emitted stench wasn't overwhelming. Surprisingly, after cooking, the taste was quite good. Thus, the method for making stinky mandarin fish was passed down and unexpectedly became a famous dish in Anhui Province.

The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe-1

The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe

The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe-2

The preparation of stinky mandarin fish is relatively simple. After cleaning the fish, marinate it with salt for about a week. The temperature should be around 20 degrees for the fish to develop its stinky flavor. Those who have made cured meat before may know that if there's too little salt or the temperature is too high, the cured meat will go off and acquire a slightly foul smell.

Dry Pot Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe

The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe-3

The dry pot cooking style has swept across the nation, and even the infamously stinky mandarin fish now has a dry pot version.

Ingredients Preparation

1 stinky mandarin fish, 50 grams onion, 20 grams red pepper, 20 grams ginger and minced, 20 grams green pepper, 20 grams scallion, 20 ml cooking wine, 10 ml .

Cooking Steps

1. Cut the soaked stinky mandarin fish diagonally, pat it dry, and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan, fry the fish until both sides are golden brown, and set aside.

3. In the remaining oil, sauté the scallion and ginger until fragrant, add the onion slices and stir-fry. Then, add the white part of the scallion and the red pepper, stir to mix evenly.

4. Add the fried stinky mandarin fish, pour in the cooking wine, and add enough water to cover the fish. Once boiling, add soy sauce for .

5. Simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes. When the sauce is nearly reduced, add the green part of the scallion and red pepper.


Soaking reduces the stinky mandarin fish's odor; the duration depends on .

Green Pepper Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe

The Stinky Mandarin Fish Recipe-4

Cooking stinky mandarin fish with green peppers can reduce the stink. Using spicier green peppers yields better results.

Ingredients Preparation

Appropriate amount of stinky mandarin fish, green peppers, ginger, tea oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Cooking Steps

1. Clean the stinky mandarin fish, drain it, and set aside. Finely chop the green peppers and mince the ginger.

2. Pour tea oil into a wok, fry the stinky mandarin fish until both sides turn golden brown.

3. Scatter the ginger on top, add one bowl of water, bring to a boil, switch to medium heat, scatter the chopped green peppers, cover, and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Flip the mandarin fish, add salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce for seasoning, reduce the sauce, sprinkle with MSG, and serve.


Ginger helps remove the fishy smell, and the water level should be approximately level with the fish when added.

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