Clam Steamed Egg

Yesterday, A-miao brought back some clams again. I said to A-miao, “Hey A-miao, why are we so many clams recently?” A-miao said he had been studying a cookbook that was all about clam recipes. “So what kind of clam dish are you going to make today? It won't be the same old braised clams or steamed clams, will it?” “No,” he replied, “today we're having Clam Steamed Egg.”

Clam Steamed Egg-1

Clam Steamed Egg

Clam Steamed Egg-2

Ingredients Preparation

Clams, 2 eggs, water, soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped onions.

Method and Steps

1. Soak the clams in saltwater for 2 hours beforehand to allow them to expel any sand (you can also add a little sesame oil to the saltwater).;

2. Once the water in a pot is , add slices of ginger, pieces of scallion, wine, and the soaked clams. Cook until they open, then remove immediately.;

3. Let the clam cooking water sit for 20 minutes to allow all the to settle at the bottom. Carefully pour off the portion of the clear broth and set aside.;

4. Beat the eggs, add a little salt, and mix with the cooled clam broth. The ratio of eggs to clam broth should be 1:1.;

5. Place the clams in a steaming dish, pour the filtered egg over them, and once the water in the steamer is boiling, place the dish inside. Steam on low heat for about 10 minutes, or until the egg mixture has set completely.;

6. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped green onions, drizzle with a little soy sauce and sesame oil.


If any of the clams do not open after being cooked, do not eat them.

Heart Clam Steamed Egg

Clam Steamed Egg-3

Ingredients Preparation

10 red heart clams, 2 eggs, water, soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped green onions.

Method and Steps

1. Clean the clams and soak them in saltwater for two hours.;

2. Blanch the washed clams in boiling water until they open.;

3. Beat the eggs and pour in the cooled water used to blanch the clams.;

4. Arrange the clams in the egg mixture, cover with plastic wrap, and poke a few small holes in the wrap.;

5. Place the dish in a steamer and steam for around 15 minutes.;

6. After removing from the steamer, pour a little soy sauce over the top, drizzle with sesame oil, and sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

Clam Meat Steamed Egg

Clam Steamed Egg-4

Ingredients Preparation

Two pounds of clams, 4 eggs, a little chopped scallion, ginger, garlic, a little oil, a little salt.

Method and Steps

1. Clean the clams and soak them in saltwater for a moment.;

2. Place the clams in a pot of cold water, heat on high, and cook until the broth turns white and the clams open. Remove and let cool.;

3. Set aside the clear broth, take out the clam meat and clean it. Set both aside.;

4. Add a little salt, oil, ginger, and garlic to the eggs and stir in the clam meat.;

5. Mix in an equal amount of broth, add a few drops of oil, and steam for 20 minutes.;

6. Sprinkle with chopped scallions when done.

Nutritional Value of Clam Steamed Egg

Clam Steamed Egg-5Firstly, clams have a salty, cold nature, nourish yin and moisten dryness, and have diuretic and de-swelling effects. They also help lower cholesterol. Eggs need no introduction as everyone knows they are extremely nutritious. Therefore, the nutritional value of Clam Steamed Egg is naturally very good.

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