Cooking River Clams: A Comprehensive Guide

River clams do not refer to a single species, but rather a variety of freshwater clams. Due to their soft and chewy texture, river clams make for excellent ingredients. How to cook river clams deliciously is a common question. Today, in addition to introducing different cooking methods for river clams, I will also discuss the nutritional value of river clam meat. Don't miss this!

Cooking River Clams: A Comprehensive Guide-1

River Clam Recipe: Yellow Bean Stew with River Clams

Cooking River Clams: A Comprehensive Guide-2


300g river clam meat, 100g rehydrated yellow beans, 75g edamame beans, 10g goji berries, 10g chopped scallions, 10g slices, 10g minced garlic, 15g rice wine, 3g fine salt, 4g chicken bouillon, vinegar, 0.5g pepper powder, 20g vegetable oil, 10g clarified chicken fat.

Cooking Steps:

1. Wash the goji berries. Clean the river clam meat and drain off the . Slice it. Rinse the yellow beans and edamame beans. Blanch the river clam meat in water with vinegar, then remove and set aside.

2. Heat the vegetable oil and clarified chicken fat in a pot, then sauté the scallions, ginger, and garlic (lightly smashed). Stir-fry the clam slices briefly, add the rice wine, mix well, then add 500ml of water and bring to a boil. Remove the scallions, ginger, and garlic, then transfer the mixture to a clay pot.

3. Add the yellow beans, edamame beans, and goji berries, bring to a boil, then simmer until the clam slices are tender. Add the fine salt and simmer slightly. Finally, add the chicken bouillon and white pepper powder.

River Clam Recipe: Tripe and Vegetable Soup with River Clams

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100g river clam meat, 50g celery, 25g rehydrated sea cucumber, 5g minced garlic, 5g minced ginger, 10g rice wine, 1g vinegar, 3g fine salt, 3g chicken bouillon, 0.5g white pepper powder, 30g cornstarch slurry, 700ml pork bone broth, 20g vegetable oil.

Cooking Steps:

1. Clean the river clam meat and mince it. Clean the celery, remove the roots and leaves, and dice. Clean the sea cucumber, blanch it, then dice.

2. Heat the oil in a pot, then sauté the minced garlic and ginger. Stir-fry the minced clam meat until cooked, then stir-fry the diced sea cucumber. Add the vinegar and rice wine, mixing well.

3. Add the diced celery and stir-fry until nearly cooked. Add the pork bone broth and fine salt, then bring to a boil. Add the chicken bouillon and white pepper powder, thicken with the cornstarch slurry, then serve in a bowl.


The cornstarch slurry should be evenly mixed with water first, then slowly added to the pot while stirring to achieve a suitable consistency.

River Clam Recipe: Three-Vegetable Stir-Fried Clam Slices

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150g river clam meat, 75g carrot, 75g celery, 75g purple cabbage, 10g ginger slices, 5g minced garlic, 5g chopped , 10g rice wine, 2g vinegar, 3g fine salt, 3g chicken bouillon, 1g , 6g cornstarch slurry, 50g broth, 30g vegetable oil.

Cooking Steps:

1. Clean the river clam meat and slice thinly. Peel the carrots, clean them, and cut into diamond-shaped pieces 0.2cm thick. Clean the celery, remove the roots and leaves, then slice. Clean the purple cabbage and cut into diamond shapes.

2. Boil some water in a pot, add the clam slices, and blanch until just cooked. Drain.

3. Heat the oil in a pot, then sauté the ginger, garlic, and scallion. Stir-fry the clam slices briefly, add the vinegar and rice wine, mixing well. Add the purple cabbage and stir-fry. Add the celery and carrot, then add the broth, fine salt, and chicken bouillon, mixing well until cooked. Add the monosodium glutamate, thicken with the cornstarch slurry, then serve on a plate.


Add the celery after the purple cabbage has softened in the pot.

Nutritional Value of River Clam Meat

Cooking River Clams: A Comprehensive Guide-5

In addition to how to cook river clams deliciously and various recipes, let's talk about the nutritional value of river clam meat. River clam meat is rich in and contains proteins, fats, sugars, iron, vitamins, etc. It helps nourish yin and improve vision, clears heat and detoxifies, and strengthens bones. Regular consumption of river clam meat can also promote healthy skin, maintaining elasticity and luster.

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