Method of Making Korean Spicy Cabbage

Sauerkraut is the most famous dish in Korean , and spicy cabbage is the most representative type of Korean sauerkraut. In Korea, whether it's a simple meal or a feast, spicy cabbage is indispensable. The method of making Korean spicy cabbage is not a simple matter; it requires a patient waiting process to obtain delicious Korean sauerkraut.

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Method of Making Korean Spicy Cabbage

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Ingredients Needed

2 large cabbages, 1 carrot, 140g apple, 140g pear, 15g , 55g leek, 8g , 10g scallion, 50g glutinous rice flour, 100g salt, 140g chili powder, 15g shrimp paste, 20g fish sauce, 1 tablespoon Korean chili sauce, 60g sugar, 500g water.


1. Break off each leaf of the cabbage, them clean, and drain.

2. Prepare a clean basin, lay down one layer of the drained cabbage leaves, sprinkle with one layer of salt. After salting all the leaves, let them sit overnight for pickling.

3. After pickling, rinse the cabbage under running water, then drain and gently squeeze out any excess water from the cabbage leaves (be careful not to tear the leaves).

4. Mix glutinous rice flour with water and cook over low heat in a small pot until it thickens into a paste, stirring continuously to prevent sticking.

5. Place the glutinous rice paste in a large bowl. Peel and core the apples and pears, then cut along with the carrot into small pieces.

6. Blend the apples, pears, carrot, garlic, ginger, and scallion in a food processor.

7. Pour the blended mixture into the bowl containing the glutinous rice paste. Add sugar, chili powder, shrimp paste, fish sauce, and Korean chili sauce, and mix well. Add the leeks and continue mixing evenly.

8. Prepare a clean, airtight container. Wear disposable gloves and coat each cabbage leaf with the seasoned mixture. Place the coated cabbage in the prepared container and leave at room temperature for one night. Transfer to the refrigerator the next day. It can be eaten after one day, but it tastes better after a week.


1. Apples, pears, and leeks are essential ingredients for fermentation.

2. Glutinous rice paste helps with fermentation and ensures that the seasoning sticks better to the cabbage.

3. Use Korean-style fish sauce for best results.

4. Use a box or with good airtightness.

Authentic Method of Making Korean Spicy Cabbage

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Ingredients Needed

1500g cabbage, 200g carrot, 3 tablespoons minced garlic, 500g white radish, 1 tablespoon minced ginger, 500g chili paste, 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/4 cup chili powder, half a cup of pear juice, half a cup of sea salt.


1. Clean the cabbage thoroughly, tear it into pieces, and pickle with sea salt for six hours.

2. Shred the white radish and carrot, then pickle with sea salt for two hours.

3. Cut the cabbage into 2cm segments, then combine with all other ingredients and mix well.

4. Place the mixed pickled vegetables in a clean, airtight container, store in a cool place, and they will be ready to eat after two days.


1. Since the sauerkraut ferments, open the lid of the airtight container every day or two and reseal it, otherwise, the lid may become bulged.

2. Spicy cabbage can also be used to make spicy cabbage fried rice, spicy cabbage stew, and spicy cabbage stir-fried belly, all of which have great taste.

Simple Method of Making Korean Spicy Cabbage

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Ingredients Needed

One cabbage, leeks, glutinous rice flour, chili flakes, a small of fish sauce, garlic, ginger, and salt as needed.


1. Wash the cabbage and break it into smaller pieces. Salt it for about 12 hours.

2. Rinse off the salt from the cabbage and drain.

3. Mix glutinous rice flour with water, bring to a boil, and let it cool.

4. Soak chili flakes in boiling water and let it cool. Finely chop the ginger and garlic and mix.

5. Combine the chili flakes, ginger, garlic, salt, and fish sauce with the glutinous rice paste and mix well.

6. Add the cabbage to the mixture, mix well, and ferment for about three days.


Glutinous rice flour allows the pickling seasonings to adhere better to the cabbage, enhancing its flavor.

Fruity Method of Making Korean Spicy Cabbage

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Ingredients Needed

One cabbage, chili flakes, carrot, apple, pear, salt, leeks, ginger, scallion, and garlic as needed.


1. Wash the cabbage, once at the bottom, then break it apart and rub salt on each leaf. Let it sit for two hours.

2. Shred the carrot, mince the ginger, scallion, and garlic, dice the apple and pear, and cut the leeks into sections.

3. Mix the processed ingredients with chili powder, salt, fish sauce, and a little sugar. Let it sit for half an hour.

4. Rinse off the salt from the cabbage, drain, and then rub the pickling mixture onto each leaf, ensuring even coating.

5. Place the cabbage in a container, pour the remaining pickling mixture over it, cover, wrap with cling film, refrigerate, and it will be ready to eat after one week.


The fruity Korean spicy cabbage has a unique taste, and the fruits can be changed according to personal preference.

How to Select Cabbage

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How to Choose High-Quality Fresh Cabbage

1. For tightly-packed cabbages, generally choose those with white color because white cabbages tend to be sweeter and have a better taste.

2. If you're not restricted by weight, opt for larger cabbages as they contain more edible leaves.

3. Choose cabbages that are tightly packed and inspect the root, which should be small since the roots are inedible. Also, check for signs of rotting, and if there are any signs of decay, choose carefully.

4. Good-quality cabbages are firm and heavy.

5. Cabbages with juicy and crisp leaves indicate freshness.

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