How to Make Dry-Fried Eggplant and Green Beans

Eggplant is a typical vegetable with varied uses depending on its variety. It has considerable value for recovery from illness, and it effectively boosts vitality. beans contain a good amount of high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids, and they also have higher levels of minerals and vitamins compared to other vegetables. Previously, when out, the editor's favorite dish was dry-fried eggplant and green beans, but the portions were always too small to satisfy this food enthusiast. So, the editor learned how to make this dish at . Today, let's take a look at the steps for making dry-fried eggplant and green beans.

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Ingredients for Dry-Fried Eggplant and Green Beans

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Main Ingredients

Green beans, eggplant

2. Cut the washed green beans into two- segments, and cut the eggplant into short strips.

3. Chop the prepared scallions and and set them aside.

Preparing the Ingredients for Dry-Fried Eggplant and Green Beans

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Frying the Main Ingredients

1. Pour a generous amount of into a non-stick pan. When the oil is about 60% hot, add the eggplant strips and fry until they change color. Remove and set aside.

2. After frying the eggplant, fry the green beans. Once done, remove and set aside.

Serving Dry-Fried Eggplant and Green Beans

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Instructions for Serving

1. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pan. When the oil is hot, add the chopped scallions and garlic to stir-fry until fragrant.

2. Add the fried green beans and eggplant and stir-fry.

3. Before serving, add salt to taste and stir-fry evenly.

Tips for Dry-Fried Eggplant and Green Beans

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1. If you are worried about the eggplant turning black during , soak the sliced eggplant in cold water for before draining and using it.

2. When stir-frying the eggplant and green beans, use less oil since more oil was used during the initial frying process.

3. You can also sprinkle some salt on the eggplant strips and let them sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then squeeze out the excess water and rinse. This will help the eggplant cook faster during stir-frying. If you're short on time, you can skip this step.

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