China’s Five Thousand Years: Why Only Four Ancient Beauties Were Chosen

    Xi Shi, Diaochan, Wang Zhaojun, and Yang Yuhuan are the well-known Four Beauties of ancient China. Although no one alive has seen their beauty, stories about them and descriptions of their attractiveness abound, endlessly fascinating to people who never tire of hearing them. In China's five thousand years of history, why were only four beauties selected as those who could sink fish, startle wild geese, close the moon, and make flowers blush? Why not eight, ten, or more? Are they famous in history for their beauty alone, or is there something else? 

    The Literary Vote Theory

    Some say it was a literary vote, with poetry as evidence. 

    Sink Fish: Xi Shi

    Beauty is valued across the world; how could Xi Shi remain obscure? From a simple girl by the river in Yue to a favored concubine in the palace of Wu, her humble origins did not set her apart from others, but her rarity became evident when she to prominence. She invited others to apply her makeup, not bothering to wear silk robes herself. Her charm increased because of the king's favor, and his love left no room for criticism. Her former companions who used to silk with her could not return home together with her in the same carriage. She thanked her neighbors' daughters, whose smiles and frowns could not compare. 

    Startle Wild Geese: Wang Zhaojun

    The dunes and white horses stretch like clouds; at sunset, the sad tunes of reed flutes can be heard everywhere. As I depart, my heart is committed to the state; I do not need the arduous efforts of the Han army. 

    Close Moon: Diaochan

    Originally a person from the Zhaoyang Palace, her graceful figure was like a startled swan, seemingly flying over the spring of Dongting . After thoroughly performing the “Liangzhou” dance, her steps were steady, and she was like a fresh flower in the . The painted hall was filled with warmth that could not be surpassed. 

    Make Flowers Blush: Yang Guifei

    A red blossom gleams with dewy fragrance, the clouds and rain of the Wu Mountains were in vain. Who in the Han Palace could compare? How pitiful, relying on new makeup like Zhao Feiyan. 

    The Power Beauty Pageant Theory

    Others argue that the Four Beauties were a product of beauty combined with power. Living in a patriarchal society, they sacrificed themselves for men's politics, hence being awarded the glorious title of the Four Beauties. 

    If power could create beauties, why wasn't Wu Zetian among them? Which woman in Chinese history had more prestige than she did? 

    As for Fuchai, whom Xi Shi married, though he was the king of Wu, his power was at most equivalent to that of a governor of two provinces during the Ming Dynasty. There have been many historical figures with similar power, so why weren't their wives chosen? Could it be that their wives were not beautiful, or were they all hideous monsters? 

    Regarding sacrifice, the historical significance of Wang Zhaojun's marriage to the Xiongnu is not necessarily greater than that of Princess Wencheng's marriage to Tibet. Moreover, Princess Wencheng's beauty might not have been inferior to that of Wang Zhaojun. The Tubo people even revered her as the Green Tara Bodhisattva. Her status and historical impact cannot be underestimated. So why wasn't she chosen? 

    It can be deduced that the Four Beauties were not simply products of power. So why did the Four Beauties stand out in history? 

    Three Reasons

    Firstly, they were all masters of psychological warfare. Unlike the shy maidens who never left their chambers, or the common girls lacking in grace, they knew how to seize appropriate opportunities to present themselves. For example, Zhaojun, a girl from Hubei's Xiangxi, did not faint in terror or behave rudely upon meeting the emperor. Instead, she gracefully bowed and spoke with composure, displaying a poise that even noble ladies envied. 

    As for Xi Shi, burdened with a historical mission, she should have felt psychological pressure, but she could bear the humiliation, burying her nation's grudge deep within and hiding her endless love for Fan Li in her memories. She served the king with a smiling , keeping her emotions hidden, an achievement few could match. Looking at Diaochan and Yang Yuhuan, it was not just their beauty that allowed them to sit firmly on the throne of eternal beauties; they also made history beautiful! 

    Secondly, they all served more than one man, refusing to adhere to the principle of remaining loyal to one man forever. Being virtuous, kind, and raising children is admirable, but beauties should not be like fine wine hidden in a dark alley; while good wine doesn't fear being in a remote place, a beauty hidden away will only age and die without anyone knowing, a waste. Regardless of whether the Four Beauties chose to serve multiple men willingly or were forced to do so, perhaps we acknowledge their pragmatism. 

    Regardless of how these beauties achieved their status, by the Tang Dynasty, no new chapters were added to the scroll of beauties. Xi Shi lived during the Spring and Autumn period, Diaochan and Wang Zhaojun in the Eastern and Western Han dynasties, and Yang Guifei in the Tang Dynasty. Did no more beauties appear in later generations, or was there another reason? If we consider the above beauty selection criteria, regardless of power or beauty, Chen Yuanyuan should have been included.

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