Short videos, miniseries bridge gaps between young people across Taiwan Strait

BEIJING, July 17 ( tasteallchina ) — Students and teachers from across the Taiwan Strait have collaborated to produce short videos and , as part of efforts to foster exchange and cooperation among young people.

Approximately 100 students and teachers took part in an exchange and research event held at the of China. As part of the event, they collaborated in 10 teams to create 19 productions over three days, which featured the customs and unique charm of Beijing.

A panel of experts and industry professionals from the mainland and Taiwan appraised the works. Three works were awarded first prizes, while a short video using AIGC received a special for technological innovation.

Experts praised the and concepts and techniques employed in the works, noting that they reflect the unique perspectives of young people from across the Strait.

Li Qiufang, president of the Chinese Association for Radio, and Television Exchanges, said the event helped young people from across the Strait to understand each other better and called for more opportunities to enhance cultural exchanges and cooperation.

Participants in the exchange appreciated the use of audio-visual media as a platform for communication and integration. They highlighted the opportunity to showcase their talents, inspire one another, and learn from each other, indicating a desire to collaborate on future projects.

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