Lilac Jade

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Basic Introduction to Lilac Jade

Lilac jade, commonly abbreviated as Lilac Purple, is a new variety of jade discovered in China in the late 1970s. It is composed of dense lithium mica rock and is named for its beautiful lilac color, similar to that of the lilac flower. Lilac purple is found within sodium-lithium type granite pegmatite veins, being a product of the later stages of granite pegmatite metasomatism. Associated minerals include albite, elbaite, spodumene, and quartz. Currently, the only known deposits are located within a 100-kilometer radius around the Devil's City in Wuerhe, Xinjiang, where large quantities of Lilac Jade have been discovered.

Nutritional Value

Jade contains more than ten trace elements, such as gold, silver, silicon, , iron, selenium, magnesium, manganese, etc. The benefits of trace elements like zinc, selenium, and manganese are often promoted on television commercials, so there is no need for me to elaborate. Regularly wearing, handling, or using jade products allows these trace elements to enter the body through the skin and acupoints. Additionally, the electromagnetic effects produced by friction resonate with the human body, helping to regulate bodily functions and promote health.

Product Features

The color of Lilac Jade ranges from rose, lilac purple, to violet, with a glassy luster; it is transparent or translucent. Lilac Jade has a lower hardness, making it easy to carve and polish. After processing, the finished product is glossy and has a very gentle color. The material is dense without any cotton-like inclusions and possesses a certain size.

Historical and Folklore

Purple represents a high level of spiritual and emotional love, and can be used as a token of affection or a pledge of faith. have traditionally used purple jade as an amulet and protective object because they believe it can ward off evil spirits and enhance personal luck. Purple jade is well-known for its ability to activate the third eye between the brows due to its correspondence with the brow and crown chakras. This can stimulate the , inspire creativity, and increase one's .

The character “jade” (玉) originates from the earliest Chinese written records, appearing in Shang Dynasty oracle bone scripts and bronze inscriptions. Nearly 500 characters in Chinese were created using the radical “玉,” and even more words are formed by combining “玉.” Words related to treasures in Chinese are often associated with “玉.” The character “treasure” (宝) is a combination of “玉” and “,” reflecting the irreplaceable value of “玉” when it became privately owned. In ancient hearts and minds, “玉” was a beautiful and noble word, and in ancient poetry and literature, jade is frequently used to symbolize and describe good and beautiful.

Authenticity Testing of Lilac Jade

Look: primarily examine the crystal transparency; genuine jade has stronger transparency and a greasy luster. Listen: genuine jade produces a crisp sound, while fakes produce a dull sound. Test: genuine jade can scratch glass without damage to itself, leaving a mark on the glass.

Common fake jade includes plastic, colored glass, marble (cloudstone), electroplated fake jade made from a of jade and quartz in saline water, synthetic jade imitations made with nitre, and other methods of fakery. Different methods of authentication are required for each type of imitation. Plastic is lighter and less hard than genuine jade, making it relatively easy to distinguish. Colored glass can also be easily identified by checking under light or sunlight, revealing numerous air bubbles inside the glass.

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